Katelyn Vance- project timeline


11/4: finish emailing professors about interviews; schedule time for the interviews

11/4: Revise interview and survey questions.

11/5: Send out survey

11/9: have all sources for lit review packet found and read over.

11/16: pre-lit review packet done

11/18: Write intro and do references page

11/21: Write lit review

11/23: have intro, lit review, methods and references done

11/24: End survey

11/29: Write findings, discussion, and begin proposal.

1/1: Give out thank you notes to professors

1/?: Finish the paper, make presentation

Next semester: Collaborate with Betsy and Annie on the creative writing workshop.

(sorry this is late. I’ve been at the doctor all day- :c strep)

Concerns, Questions, Reflections, Thoughts?